The Supreme Court Model Rent Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Rent agreements are an essential part of every landlord-tenant relationship. It establishes the terms and conditions regarding the payment of rent, duration of the lease, use of the premises, and other important details. It is a legally binding document that ensures both parties` protection and defines their responsibilities.

In India, the Supreme Court has issued guidelines on the contents of a rent agreement to prevent disputes between landlords and tenants. The Supreme Court model rent agreement is a comprehensive document that lays down the necessary clauses to be included in a rent agreement. Let`s take a closer look at these guidelines and understand their significance.

1. Basic Information

The first section of the Supreme Court model rent agreement includes the basic information of the landlord and tenant, such as their names, addresses, and contact details. It also includes the property`s address and a description of the premises being rented, including its size, type, and amenities.

2. Term of the Lease

This section covers the duration of the lease, including the start and end date. It also includes details about renewals and extensions, the notice period required to terminate the agreement, and the consequences of not fulfilling these obligations.

3. Rent and Security Deposit

The rent agreement must specify the amount of rent to be paid, the mode of payment, and the due date. It should also mention the security deposit amount, the mode of payment, and the conditions for its refund at the end of the lease. The agreement should also specify the consequences of defaulting on rent payments.

4. Maintenance and Repairs

The Supreme Court model rent agreement includes clauses that define the responsibilities of both parties regarding the maintenance of the premises. It covers the landlord`s responsibility for structural repairs and the tenant`s responsibility for maintaining the property`s cleanliness and hygiene.

5. Use of Premises

This section defines the permitted and prohibited uses of the premises, including the subletting of the property. It also includes clauses regarding the landlord`s right to access the property and the tenant`s rights in case of natural disasters or other emergencies.

6. Termination of Lease

The agreement must define the circumstances under which the lease can be terminated by either party before its expiry. It should also cover the notice period required for termination and the consequences of violating these rules.

7. Dispute Resolution

The rent agreement should specify the mechanisms for resolving disputes between the landlord and tenant, including the use of arbitration or mediation.


The Supreme Court model rent agreement is a comprehensive document that lays down the necessary clauses to be included in a rent agreement. It is a legally binding document that protects both parties and defines their rights and responsibilities. By adhering to these guidelines, landlords and tenants can avoid disputes and maintain a healthy and productive relationship.